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Did you know…
- Perinatal mental health experts consider birth through the first two years to be the “postpartum” period.
- Depression is the number one complication of childbirth.
- At least 60% of moms with Postpartum Depression had symptoms that began during pregnancy.
- Anxiety, irritability, agitation, insomnia, anger and constant worry are often more common in PPD (Postpartum Depression) than sadness and feelings of depression.
- Oftentimes, PPD is part of a trauma reaction called Birth Trauma Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
- Around 25% of all moms will develop some symptoms of PTSD after childbirth.
- All the signs and symptoms of perinatal mood and anxiety disorders can also be experienced by parents who experience a miscarriage or infant loss, deal with infertility, adoption or termination.
- At least 10% of fathers will develop PPD.
- Fathers are at a higher risk if their partner also suffers from depression/anxiety during pregnancy and postpartum.